Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hey, happy Sunday evening to you! We got back earlier today from a nice weekend camping in Maine. We left on Friday and came back today so it was a short trip away, but it was oh so worth it.

We were camping in Poland Maine at Poland Springs Campground. This is the same area where Poland Springs water is bottled. The campground is located on Lower Range Pond and just off the tip of the penninsula is an island. Originally a pair of Osprey built a nest at the top of a Red Pine tree, however a couple of years ago the Osprey were evicted by a pair of Bald Eagles!! Can you believe it? These eagles were only about 75 - 100 yards away from us. It was so cool!!

Here are some of the photos we got:

This is one of the two adult eagles coming back to the nest. There is a small bird riding on it's back. I couldn't believe it when I saw it in the photo. In later shots you can see the small bird take off from the back of the eagle.

The adult is landing in the nest where there are two young eagles anxiously waiting for it! They were so noisy! LOL

Here is a close up of one of the young eagles. They're so regal looking, even as youngsters.

Here's another picture of the three of the eagles together. I wasn't able to get a photo of the two adults in the nest. The other adult was there but it just circled the nest and flew away. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera during that timeframe.

This weekend was so inspiring for me. I came away feeling calm and refreshed and really feeling like I had the experience of a lifetime!
I have some ideas for a scrapbook page or two. I'll share what comes out of those ideas I'm mulling around in my brain. Hopefully I can accomplish them this coming weekend. Before our next weekend trip at the end of July.
Thanks for stopping by tonight. I hope you've enjoyed the pictures I was able to share.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys had Fun. Great pics of the Eagles..maybe i can see the full size images next time we visit. Not a bad job for the lenses you were using..exciting to be that close to Bald eagles though.
