Back in February a new group formed on Ravelry call Knitting-Around-The-World-Block-Of-The-Month-2011. The idea is that we will knit one 12 inch square each month thru 2011 and then stitch the sqares together at the end of the year to make a blanket. I decided that this might be a really good way to learn some new stitches and get outside of my comfort zone a bit. Since the group began in February we will need to make up the January pattern at some point during the year. It's been great fun so far but due to being sick, I never began the March pattern. This means I will have to make up two months during the year! But I'm actually okay with that. :) Here is February's pattern. I didn't do a real good job blocking it but I figured once it's sewn into a blanket it wouldn't get blocked anyway so I wanted to see what it would look like if I just washed it.

The lighting wasn't the best either, but I think you get the idea. The pattern is called 5/5 Check and is from a book (she didn't give us the book's name nor the author's name).
I started working on the April pattern last night but due to the weight of yarn I'm using I don't think the pattern is going to work for me. I've seen many posting to the group on Ravelry where other knitters are running into the same problem. The pattern also has a pretty fancy edge which will make it difficult to stitch into the blanket. But that's okay because I learned a few new stitches, which was the whole idea anyway! :) I'll decide later today if I'm going to continue with the square or if I'll frog it and use the yarn for January's pattern.
I'm also still working on a scarf for my sister. I thought I had taken photo's of it but now I can't find them. Perhaps they didn't come out well and I just deleted them, I really don't remember. At this point I think I'll save the scarf for a birthday or Christmas present since it's a little too warm to use it now! LOL
Thanks for dropping by and have a wonderful Sunday!