Happy Monday and to everyone here in the USA Happy Labor Day! Yes, it's a holiday here and I am happily sitting at home, surrounded by my animals enjoying some "me" time. It occurred to me while I was changing the calendar earlier this week that I haven't posted a picture of my scrap-calendar in several months.
So today I wanted to be sure and post the matted picture I used for the month of September. Here in New Hampshire we celebrate many things this month; apple picking, pumpkins, the changing of the leaves to the beautiful autumn colors and NASCAR! LOL Of course I had to choose a photo from last years NASCAR event. We've been attending the September race in Loudon NH for many years now.
I used the Apron Lace Fiskers Punch to add some pizzazz to the picture. The Grandstands at the track are quite full as the race is about to begin! I believe the stands hold around 150,000 people. Getting in and out of the track is quite an experience! We usually arrive early to shop and walk around and then stay late to allow some of the traffic to dissipate before heading out ourselves. In order to tailgate this year we will need to buy a new grill. I guess we better get on that, huh?!

The second photo has a bit of wash-out from the flash in the lower left-hand corner so I turned off the flash and took the photo that posted above it. Unfortunately that photo is a bit fuzzy if you try to look at it full size. I guess the camera didn't want to cooperate that day!
Well I certainly hope you all have a very relaxing day today. Be sure to spend it with family and friends as we celebrate the end of summer.
Hopefully this post is the start of my regular posting again!
Thanks for stopping by,