Happy New Year Everyone! Welcome to 2010!
Can you believe it's already 2010? I started this blog a year ago without really knowing where I wanted it to go. I knew that I wanted to show my paper creations by posting them online and I was aiming to post once a week. I really enjoy looking at other peoples creations and I envy those people who can post daily! After looking back over the last year I see that I have actually posted about every other week. That's not to bad considering how my life has changed over the last year.
When I started this blog I was working for a consulting company and traveling to CT three days a week. In April I lost that job due to the economic difficulties many companies were/are facing. I was incredibly lucky to land another full-time, permanent job in July. The unfortunate part of this job is that it requires me to commute approximately 3 hours a day. That doesn't leave much time for crafting during the week. Thus I am only able to get creative on the weekends and have something to post approximately every other week.
This years family holiday party was held the Sunday before Christmas at my sister-in-law's house. Each year we typically give all 7 neice's and nephew's gift cards. Last year we created some hand-made gift card holders and decided to continue the tradition this year. Here is what we came up with:

The template was purchased from PaperTrey Ink in the My Timeless Templates section of their store. You get three different options for $5.oo! How amazing is that? I ended up cutting each of them out by hand and John, my dh, scored, folded and assembled them to move the process along. Isn't he sweet?!
I also made a bunch of bows for the actual gifts we gave the adults. I wasn't able to get many photos and when I cropped the first photo it altered the picture permanently. Ugh! I was able to salvage this one picture:

I was totally in love with this candy-cane striped paper. I used every last scrap of it this year. I'm a little bummed but I'm sure I'll have a new favorite paper next year! I used my Bowdabra to make the bows. I know, it's kind of cheating but it just makes things go so much quicker than making them all free-hand. For this particular bow I purchased the red ribbon from Michael's, it has little white pom-pom's on it, and added the white satin ribbon I found in my stash. I thought it came out really well. My husband kept telling me that our gifts looked professionally wrapped this year! What a nice complement!
If you are a regular reader then you might remember that I was making a calendar for 2010. Well, I worked on it off and on over the last week or two and John helped me bind it last night with the Bind It All. I think it came out really well but it still needs a few more photos. I need to get the month of January photographed and then I'll post it for you to see. I tried to get the photo today and the camera battery died. Figures huh? Well it gives me something to post next week! HAHA! :)
I hope that 2010 is everthing your heart desires!
Until next time,